Litigation. E-discovery. Contracts Management. Document Management. Data Privacy. Cyber Security. Risk. Compliance. Governance. Regulatory Affairs. Arbitration. Dispute Management. Forensics Investigations. Fraud & Corruption. White-Collar Crime. M&A. Legal Translation. Cloud Computing. Blockchain. AI. Legal Technology.

About the Event
The Virtual Events (Round Table Discussion Format) bring more meaningful communication and business networking to the table. Top level General Counsel, Head of Legal/IP Depts and Law firm Partners discuss the operational challenges faced in Covid-19 era, learn from the peers and also expect about the solutions with the selected service providers.

Key Speakers

12:00 PM – 01:30 PM (Brussels Time)
Virtual Round Table Discussion & Q&A Session
Opening Remarks
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
Share your experiences on mentioned topic, operation challenges and expected solutions required
Discussion Topic & Details-
Data Breach Review: Best Practices and Top Technology Considerations
There’s no denying that data breaches are a major concern for organizations of all sizes, 2022 saw 4,100 data breaches occur (a record high), equating to approximately 22 billion records being exposed.*
With a broad array of threats inside and outside the organization, it’s critical for law firms and legal service providers to have processes, personnel, and technology in place to conduct efficient and accurate reviews in order for their clients to meet strict regulatory requirements for notification of authorities and victims.
Join this webcast and learn how to:
• Identify and Ingest Compromised Data Quickly
• Review Data and Identify PII Efficiently After a Breach
• Invest in Technology to Minimize the Personnel Time Needed to Complete a Review
01:30 PM – 01:35 PM (Brussels Time)
Closing Remarks & Thank You Note