Presenting Sponsor

12 PM to 1:30 PM IST
Virtual Round Table Discussion & Q&A Session
Opening Remarks
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
Share your experiences on mentioned topic, operation challenges and expected solutions required
Discussion Topic & Details-
The Digital India Act: A Blueprint for Achieving Atmanirbhar (Self-Reliance) Bharat
The Need for the Digital India Act?
Key Developments Expected from Digital India Act
Overhauling India's Technology Laws
Revised and Improved Legislation
Importance of the Act in promoting self-reliance (Atmanirbhar Bharat) in various sectors
How Liability Law is Adapting to Technological Advances?
Challenges and opportunities in implementing the Digital India Act
The role of government, businesses, and citizens in implementing the Digital India Act
Future prospects to transform India into a global technology hub
Impact on India's economic growth, job creation, and innovation
Future outlook and potential developments in the Digital India initiative
01:30 PM – 01:35 PM IST
Closing Remarks & Thank You Note

Key Speakers